This is a good idler you've put together, I personally find it a bit addicting. But I still can't help to be bothered by a lot of details that I'm kept in the dark in.
The tutorial helped enlighten me with the use of the stats in the game, but I don't believe it explains at all why things happen or don't happen in scenarios. Like for example, I could have over a dozen companions and 400+ weapons just 30 days in, yet somehow when I get attacked I get about 20 damage. Yet in the first week, with only 1 companion and about 100 weapons, I won't ever get damaged. This really puzzles me.
And then there are scenario-specific issues. I can understand getting infected during, let's say, the pandemic scenario, but I've just gone through the ice age scenario and I noticed by skill going down. And even again I would maybe spend a day without it lowering, but then another day it will drop by 6 spontaneously. I had 105 skill and at the end of my 45 day survival it was at 50. Additional survivors weren't even adding on to it like they're supposed to, or so claimed the tutorial.
If there's anything I suggest, is to add an additional window to the game, maybe on the right side, which logs and displays briefly everything that happens (x food gets consumed, resources are gained/used, stats increase/decrease for x reason).
To really sum it up, I'd like to be able to look at the numbers in my game change and I don't have to Hope this helps improve the game :D